Peer reviewed manuscripts:
*equal contribution
Duke, C.G., Bach, S.V., Revanna, J.S., Sultan, F.A., Southern, N.T., Davis, M.N., Carullo, N.V.N., Bauman, A.J., Phillips III, R.A., Day, J.J. An improved CRISPR/dCas9 interference tool for neuronal gene suppression. Frontiers in Genome Editing. 2020 Sep 15;2(9): doi: doi: 10.3389/fgeed.2020.00009
Savell, K.E.*, Tuscher, J.J.*, Zipperly, M.E.*, Duke, C.G.*, Phillips, R.A.*, Bauman, A.J., Thukral, S., Sultan, F.A., Goska, N.A., Ianov, L., Day, J.J. A dopamine-induced gene expression signature regulates neuronal function and cocaine response. Science Advances. 2020 Jun 24;6(26): eaba4221. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba4221
Duke, C.G., Savell, K.E., Tuscher, J.J., Phillips, R.A., Day, J.J. Blue light-induced gene expression alterations in cultured neurons are the result of phototoxic interactions with neuronal culture media. eNeuro. 2019 Dec 26;7(1):ENEURO.0386-19.2019783084. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0386-19.2019
*Savell, K.E., *Bach, S.V., Zipperly, M.E., Revanna, J.S., Goska, N.A., Tuscher, J.J., Duke, C.G., Sultan, F.A., Burke, J.N., Williams, D. M., Ianov, L., Day, J.J. A neuron-optimized CRISPR/dCas9 toolbox for robust and specific gene regulation. eNeuro. 2019 Feb 25;6(1):ENEURO.0495-18.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0495-18.2019
Duke, C.G., Kennedy, A.J., Gavin, C.F., Day, J.J., Sweatt, J.D. Experience-dependent epigenomic reorganization in the hippocampus. Learning and Memory. 2017 Jun 15;24(7):278-288. doi: 10.1101/lm.045112.117.
This work was featured on the journal cover and is an F1000 recommended article.
Killion, C.H., Mitchell, E.H., Duke, C.G., Serra, R. Mechanical loading regulates organization of the actin cytoskeleton and column formation in the postnatal growth plate. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2017 Jul 7;28(14):1862-1870. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E17-02-0084.
Preprints of Published Work:
Duke, C.G., Bach, S.V., Revanna, J.S., Sultan, F.A., Southern, N.T., Davis, M.N., Carullo, N.V.N., Bauman, A.J., Phillips III, R.A., Day, J.J. An improved CRISPR/dCas9 interference tool for neuronal gene suppression. bioRxiv. 2020 May 27;2020.05.26.116822. doi: 10.1101/2020.05.26.116822
Savell, K.E.*, Tuscher, J.J.*, Zipperly, M.E.*, Duke, C.G.*, Phillips, R.A.*, Bauman, A.J., Thukral, S., Sultan, F.A., Goska, N.A., Ianov, L., Day, J.J. A dopamine-induced gene expression signature regulates neuronal function and cocaine response. bioRxiv. 2019 Sep 25;781872. doi: 10.1101/781872, C.G., Savell, K.E., Tuscher, J.J., Phillips, R.A., Day, J.J. Blue light-induced gene expression alterations in cultured neurons are the result of phototoxic interactions with neuronal culture media. bioRxiv. 2019 Sep 25;783084. doi: 10.1101/783084
*Savell, K.E., *Bach, S.V., Zipperly, M.E., Revanna, J.S., Goska, N.A., Tuscher, J.J., Duke, C.G., Sultan, F.A., Burke, J.N., Williams, D. M., Ianov, L., Day, J.J. A neuron-optimized CRISPR/dCas9 toolbox for robust and specific gene regulation. bioRxiv. 2018 Jul 17;371500. doi: 10.1101/371500